About Us

family treeWe are Alison and Lyman Skolaut from New Braunfels, TX.  We have been married for 19 years.  We own a screen printing and embroidery business, and we are thrilled to have a way to join our work with our passion.  We love children and adoption.  Making shirts and products that help families bring their adopted children home, and helping to provide for those children who are not adopted, fulfill a mission in our life that we feel God has given us.
We have been blessed with several children, and we are hoping for more.  :)  We have biological and adopted children.  We love adoption.  There are lots of reasons why, but it really starts with our own adoptions into God's family.  When we accepted Jesus Christ's offer of forgiveness, He accepted and adopted us as His own.  That changed our lives forever!  It gave us an identity in Him and hearts that wanted to serve and honor God. 
We also love adoption because it brought our precious daughter to us from China in March 2007.  We wanted to bring her home to be a part of our family and to give her life and opportunity that she wouldn't have had otherwise.  We did do that, but she also brought boundless joy and love to all of us.  She has blossomed!  She has a precious heart - and so many talents! 
We have also participated in hosting programs where orphans from Ukraine have spent their summers with us.  Seeing those teenage orphans try things for the first time, accept love from our family and friends, and eventually develop joy and confidence that they didn't once have, has been transformational to all of us - even to our extended family and acquaintances.  We are hoping to be able to bring home forever the child whom we hosted last summer.  We are still finding out if it will be possible.  Pray with us that she can join our family.  
We have loved opportunities we have been given to do mission work in several countries and to spend time in orphanges in Haiti, Mexico, and China.  We love sharing our stories and encouraging other families in their adoption journeys.  Each time we hear of the millions of children around the world who wait for families, we have a renewed inspiration to do more.  Loved Near And Far is for all those children still waiting, and it is a tool to bring the miracle of adoption to others, one at a time.  Please join us, and help us spread the word. 
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